Monday, April 20, 2015




Mata Pelajaran   : Bahasa Inggris                                                                          Bentuk Soal   : Pilihan Ganda
Kelas/Program   : X / IPA                                                                                      Jumlah Soal   : 20 Soal
Hari/Tanggal     : 17 Maret 2015                                                                            Waktu          : 60 menit
1.       Periksalah dan bacalah soal-soal dengan teliti sebelum menjawabnya.
2.       Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang anda anggap mudah.
3.       Kerjakan pada lembar soal yang telah disediakan.
4.       Lingkarilan atan beri tanda silang pada huruf jawaban yang anda anggap benar dengan memakai pulpen.
Name   :
Class   :

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat di antara a, b, c, d, atau e.
A beggar found a leather purse that someone had dropped in the marketplace. Opening it, he discovered that it contained 100 pieces of gold. Then he heard a merchant shout, "A reward! A reward to the one who finds my leather purse!”
Being an honest man, the beggar came forward and handed the purse to the merchant saying, "Here is your purse. May I have the reward now?" "Reward?" scoffed the merchant, greedily counting his gold. "Why the purse I dropped had 200 pieces of gold in it. You've already stolen more than the reward! Go away or I'll tell the police."
"I'm an honest man," said the beggar defiantly. "Let us take this matter to the court."
In court the judge patiently listened to both sides of the story and said, "I believe you both. Justice is possible! Merchant, you stated that the purse you lost contained 200 pieces of gold. Well, that's a considerable cost. But, the purse this beggar found had only 100 pieces of gold. Therefore, it couldn't be the one you lost."
And, with that, the judge gave the purse and all the gold to the beggar.

1.     The passage mainly tells about ….
        A.     a beggar
        B.     a stolen purse
        C.     an honest beggar
        D.    a reward of stolen purse
        E.     a beggar and a merchant

2.     What is the character of the merchant?
A.     Deceitful.
B.     Honest
C.     Clever.
D.    Smart.
E.     Calm.

3.     Which paragraph told that the merchant was deceiving?
A.     Paragraph 1.
B.     Paragraph 2.
C.     Paragraph 3.
D.    Paragraph 4.
E.     Paragraph 5.

4.     Why did the beggar return the purse to the beggar? Because he ….
A.     had counted the 100 pieces of gold
B.     heard the merchant saying
C.     wanted to get the reward
D.    had opened the purse
E.     was an honest man

5.     Which of the following statement is true?
A.     The beggar got 100 pieces of gold.
B.     The purse contained 200 pieces of gold.
C.     The merchant admitted losing 100 pieces of gold.
D.    The beggar wanted to hide the purse in the marketplace.
E.     The court couldn’t solve the problem between the beggar and the merchant.

6.     … he discovered that it contained 100 pieces of gold. (par.1) The underlined word means ….
A.     funded
B.     found
C.     fixed
D.    took
E.     put

7.     From the text, we know that ….
A.     the beggar was very greedy
B.     the purse belonged to the merchant
C.     the merchant was a very good person
D.    the court could solve the problem wisely
E.     the court concluded the purse belonged to the merchant

8.     What is the moral value of the passage?
A.     Be a humble man.
B.     Don’t beg to a mean person.
C.     Deceiving makes more benefits.
D.    Honesty brings more advantages.
E.     Being a beggar is valuable for living.

Text 2

Whales are the largest animal on earth. Bigger than elephants, they may grow 95 feet long, and weight 150 tons. A baby blue whale, just born, can be 23 feet long and weight 3 tons.
Although whales live in the oceans and can swim like fish, they are not fish. They are mammals, like cows and elephants. Unlike fish, they bear young alive net as eggs. Their babies live on their mother’s milk. They breathe through their lungs and hold their breathe when they go under water. If they cannot come to the surface to breathe fresh air, they will drown. They are warm blooded. Fish, however, lay eggs, breathe oxygen in the water and are cold blooded.
Whales live in all the oceans. In the winter some of them go to warm waters to breed and in the summer most of them go to cold waters to feed. There are two kinds of whales, whales with teeth (toothed whales) and whales without teeth (baleen whales). The toothed whales eat fish and squid, which they can catch with their teeth, although they swallow their food without chewing it. The baleen whales eat plankton (small sea animals and plants). When they find plankton, they open their mouths and swim into the plankton. When they close their mouths, they squeeze out the water and swallow the plankton.
Whales have few enemies. Only human beings and the killer whales attack whales. And whales do not seem to fight among themselves. They usually live from 20 to 30 years.

9.     Which of the following is TRUE about whales?
A.      Whales are generally 95 feet long and weigh 150 tons
B.      Big animals living in the ocean tend to be their enemies
C.      like fish, whales can live in all kinds of waters
D.      Their life span is usually longer than human beings
E.       A new baby whale may weigh one-fife-teeth o its mother

10.   The organization of the text is ….
A.      identification – description
B.      general classification – description
C.      general classification to position the reader – explanation
D.      orientation – event (s) – reorientation
E.       goal – material – step (s)

11.   A suitable title for the text is ….
A.      Large Animals on Earth
B.      Differences between Whales and Elephants
C.      Whales, the Biggest Animal on Earth
D.      Similarity between Fish and Whales
E.       The Life of Whales in the Oceans

12.   The differences between whales and fish is that whales ….
A.      do not have to come to the surface to get fresh air
B.      deliver their young like elephants do
C.      will die if they cannot get any oxygen in the water
D.      are mammals that are cold blooded
E.       can easily breathe when they are under water

13.   Whales occasionally live in warm waters ….to get more food
A.      to get more food
B.      for reproduction
C.      to avoid winter
D.      for fresh air
E.       to feed their babies

14.   Which one of the following statements is FALSE based on the text about?
A.      Whales are mammals
B.      Whales give birth to a baby whale
C.      Whales lay eggs
D.      Whales breast feed their babies
E.       Each kind of whale eat different kind of food

15.   From the text we may conclude that ….
A.      a whale can eat both squid and plankton
B.      toothed whales chew their food before swallowing it
C.      the two types of whale live in different waters
D.      baleen whales swallow of the water containing plankton
E.       each type of whale eats a specific kind of food

16.   Teacher     :  Bimo
        Bimo         :  Yes, ma’am
        Teacher     :  this is your test result
        Bimo         :  I got nine! I’m glad about it. My mother won’t be angry with me
        Bimo is expressing ….
A.      Worry
B.      Anxiety
C.      Anger
D.      Rrelief
E.       sadnes  

Text 3
Hotel Work
One Month Training Course

Suitable young men and women are invited to apply for places on the one month training course on hotel work organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Hotel Management. Tuition is free of charge and students who successfully complete the course will be offered employment in the Colony's leading hotels.
The training Course will take place from Monday 21st July to Friday 22nd August, from 9a.m. to 4.30 p.m. daily, except Saturdays and Sundays.
Applications for places on the course are welcome for students now in their third year at secondary school, who have good knowledge of English, and have interest in hotel work.
Application forms may be obtained from:
The Hong Kong Institute of Management, PO Box 948, The South China Times.
The closing date for applications is April 29th.

17.   Those who successfully complete the course will be given ...
A.     free tuition
B.     a further training course
C.     jobs in big hotels in the colony
D.    a chance to stay in the colony's leading hotels for one month
E.     membership of the Hong Kong Institute of Hotel management

18.   What requirement is needed by an applicant to apply for the hotel work training?
A.     Able to speak Mandarin
B.     Secondary school graduate
C.     good knowledge of English
D.    Reputable university graduate
E.     2-year experience in hotel work

19.    Hasan   : Do you think the station will be crowded?
Hamid   : Of course. There are … who want to go to their home town to celebrate the Lebaran day.
A.     only a few people
B.     no people
C.     a lot of people
D.    only one person
E.     few persons

20.    Ria   : What do you think about this computer, Ana?
Ana : I think it’s a good one. What pentium is it?
Ria   : It’s pentium one.
Ana : What about the price?
Ria   : Rp 5 millions.
Ana : Wow, …. The fair price for pentium one is usually about Rp.2 millions.
A.     what a cheap computer
B.      I like the price
C.      I agree with its price
D.      I don’t think so
E.       It’s too expensive

21.    Bowo   : I feel tired and I feel dizzy.
Sri       : I think …. Don’t leave the bed if it is not necessary.
A.     you must drink hot water
B.     you should lie down and have some rest
C.     you can see the doctor tonight
D.    I will take you to the hospital
E.     I must take some rest, too

22.    A      : I’m not happy about it.
B      : Please give me a second chance, Sir.
The underlined words express ……………
A.     asking opinion
B.      giving opinion
C.      hope
D.      dissatisfaction
E.       satisfaction

23.    A      : I can’t think of anything better.
B      : Thank you for your compliment, Sir.
A.     asking opinion
B.      giving opinion
C.      hope
D.      dissatisfaction
E.       satisfaction

24.    Budi          : How is your new company getting on?
Timi          : Very well. ………….. with the way things are going
A.     I’m very unhappy
B.      I’m not satisfied
C.      I always complain
D.      I’ve got trouble
E.       I’m very satisfied

25.    Benny   : What do you think about the Shakespeare’s play we’ve just seen, Nony? I like it very much.
Nony     : Well, .... The actors used old English, so it’s hard for me to understand.
A.     I was not satisfied
B.      I felt crazy
C.      I had no idea
D.      I was surprised
E.       I couldn’t appreciate it

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